[mythtv] Going from bad to worse :(

Jonathan jonathanjstevens at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 14:37:50 UTC 2010

Oh dear...

Trying  SVN 23095 on Win.

All was working (for this step anyway) previously... but now configure

shell:C:\MSys\1.0\bin\bash.exe -c "( export
PATH=/bin:/mingw/bin:$PATH;source /C/mythtv/qt4_env.sh;cd
/C/mythtv/mythtv;./configure --prefix=/C/mythtv/build/ --runprefix=..
--disable-iptv --disable-joystick-menu --disable-xvmc-vld --disable-xvmc
--disable-lirc --cpu=pentium4 --compile-type=profile) 2>&1 "
Error! QtWebkit headers not found

If you think configure made a mistake, make sure you are using the latest
version from SVN.  If the latest version fails, report the problem to the
mythtv-dev at mythtv.org mailing list or IRC #mythtv on irc.freenode.net
Include the log file "config.ep" produced by configure as this will help
solving the problem.

My qt4_env.sh is as follows

export QTDIR=/c/Qt/4.5.3/
export QMAKESPEC=$QTDIR/mkspecs/win32-g++
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$QTDIR/lib:/usr/lib:/mingw/lib:/lib
export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$QTDIR/include:/usr/local/bin:$PATH

I have recently installed MS Express C++ and C# so my first though was that
they messed up search paths, but I'm thinking maybe not now...

Any ideas? I wasn't seeing this with 23088... were there any changes to

Jonathan [S]
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