[mythtv] mythui

Bert Haverkamp bert at bertenselena.net
Mon Feb 4 20:34:11 UTC 2008

2008/2/4, Michael T. Dean <mtdean at thirdcontact.com>:
> On 02/04/2008 09:43 AM, Bert Haverkamp wrote:
> > 2008/2/4, Steve Daniels <steve.p.daniels at googlemail.com>:
> >
> >> On 04/02/2008, Bert Haverkamp <bert at bertenselena.net> wrote:
> >>> How easy is it to put 0.20 and 0.21 side by side on one machine?
> >>>
> >> Go on, take the plunge and go trunk, I double dare you ;-)
> > Sounds encouraging:-) Thanks, I will consider it!
> >  But please explain: What is the reason for trunk if it can't get
> > unstable occationally? Or are all extensions added without any bugs? I
> > would asume it goes through les stable periods occationally.
> > How often will my wife hate me for upgrading a trunk version of mythtv???
> >
> It depends on how well you do keeping up with the -dev and -commits
> lists and whether you make appropriate decisions about when to update.
> For example, right now, due to a bug in the new preview generation code,
> if you're using trunk and you access the MythWeb Recorded Programs page,
> your backend will go to 100% CPU usage and may or may not recover
> (depending on certain factors).  At this point, recordings in progress
> may become corrupted, if using a combined frontend/backend, playback may
> suffer, and menus and other parts of the UI will seem sluggish (or
> downright slow, depending on your system).  To "fix" your backend,
> you'll need to restart mythbackend.  To work around the bug, you can
> either disable previews and preview generation for MythWeb or just never
> go to the Recorded Programs page.
> How do I know this?  From reading the list and from experiencing it
> myself.  This is /exactly/ why we ask any user who runs SVN trunk to
> subscribe to /and/ read the -dev and -commits lists.  Those who don't
> tend to waste a lot of time reporting already-reported bugs or, worse,
> reporting "bugs" that are simply due to their failing to learn how to
> use new features that were fully explained in commit logs or other posts
> to the lists or their assumption that "nothing's changed."  All that
> wasted time is time that delays the next release and prevents creation
> of new features/bug fixes between releases.  (In other words, I think
> this can be summed up with:  If you can't /or/ you choose not to write
> code and fix bugs for MythTV, then please do your part and keep up with
> the lists so the devs can write code and fix bugs for MythTV.  So, it's
> a matter of how much time you're willing to put into MythTV for the code
> you're writing.  Waiting for 0.21's release is a much smaller
> committment of your time.)
> > But seriously, I know I am not working on the edge of the
> > capabilities. But It is nice to have a mythtv system that is stable
> > for months without any bug-chasing. I would like to add some features
> > to it now, so I start learning the basic plugin skills.
> > 0.21 seems to be nicely maturing. I saw a few posts hinting at end of
> > februari. That would be great. But I haven't seen a sort of freeze
> > plan, so I will just wait and see for the moment. But once 0.21 hits
> > the shelfs, I will move over my efforts to this release.
> I think that's a very good plan.  For now, you may want to document in
> the wiki the fact that a major transition is occurring and that any new
> plugins should be written to use the new mythui and that a guide will be
> available shortly after the release of 0.21.  After all, the idea isn't
> to give people who might be considering creating brand-new plugins a
> head start on preparing for 0.21+, it's to give them the information
> they need to decide when to begin creation of new plugins and
> And, really, there aren't that many new plugins that get created in any
> given 3-month period or so.
> Mike
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Hello Mike,

Thanks for your answer. What you describe is sort of my experience
with other head/trunk/unstable releases. For this reason I have
decided not to move to trunk at this moment, but wait it out and use
my time otherwise: learning the plugin system and try to add my bit in
that department and add information to the wiki.

For this reason, could I ask you a favour and ask you to try out the
mythtutorial2-v2 on trunk?  Please remember to edit mainmenu.xml on
your system. Does this plugin show any widgets? If so, the fact that I
don't is a 0.20 mythui problem. If not, there is a problem in the
plugin, and I can try to work that out.



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