[mythtv] advice wanted - building my own remote control

Nathan Ford zimans at gmail.com
Fri May 11 13:37:00 UTC 2007

A company called Grayhill makes rotary encoder/ joystick devices.
Might be a bit too large for your application (casing is .65 in,
thread and shaft are taller), but still a cool device none the less.
They turn, they have 8 points of direction (+x, -x, +y, -y, and
combinations), and you can press it like a push button.

Grayhill 60A18-4-040S


On 5/11/07, Simon Kenyon <simon at koala.ie> wrote:
> Colin Guthrie wrote:
> > Nick Morrott wrote:
> >
> >> Using a rotary encoder for volume would be a nice ergonomically, but
> >> could take up too much space on the remote depending on button size. I
> >> wouldn't use it for channel changing, which should (IMO) be a clear
> >> single up/down event. Just imagine the confusion MythTV could have
> >> when trying to change channel (inherent tuning delay) when the target
> >> channel keeps changing.
> >>
> >
> > Hmmm, I'm not sure. Perhaps is Myth is modified to show a splash screen
> > (e.g. the channel's icon) while using a rotary channel changer could
> > actually make for a very nice UI... Yes the tuning delay is there but
> > moving quickly through a dozen channels would become very easy. If the
> > rotary thing clicked (e.g. felt tactile) then it would be pretty easy to
> > limit it to one channel in either direction.
> >
> > All that said the remote would be pretty crazy if it had this ;)
> >
> > Col
> >
> >
> >
> i have two ideas for the casing.
> the first is solid oak - yes i know it sounds pretty stupid (and heavy)
> but it would match the cabinet that i have all the equipment in in my
> sittingroom.
> the idea would be to route the insides out of it from behind and poke
> the keys through holes in the front. i cannot but them up against each
> other because the switches that i have have legs on their sides which
> preclude that.
> so i would route 12x12mm squares in the front. might be hard work to get
> everything lined up.
> the second idea is to make it out of perspex and expose the internal
> gubbins to view
> sort of like the original imac. a front and back sheet of perspex
> separated by spacers with the pcb in between.
> in either option the encoder(s) would fit.
> anyway, this is an experiment. i'll make somethign and see how it works
> in practice.
> a set of 10 encoders (on ebay from china) are costing me $16. and that
> includes the knobs.
> simon
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