[mythtv] [mythtv-commits] mythtv commit: r13336 by nigel

Robin Gilks g8ecj at gilks.org
Sun May 6 23:45:30 UTC 2007

>> Nigel Pearson wrote:
>>> On 02/05/2007, at 2:36 AM, Paul Harrison wrote:
>>>> At the moment playing and detecting the presence of a CD is well
>>>> broken :-(
>>> I think I have now fixed this.
>> Hi Nigel,
>> Sorry been too busy to test this until now.
>> It's almost there :-) CD's are now detected properly and show up in the
>> music tree etc. I just don't seem to be able to play any tracks. The
>> reason is when the decoder is created in PlaybackBoxMusic::play() the cd
>> device still isn't being set so the decoder cannot play anything.
>> I fixed it by adding
>> if (CdDecoder *cddecoder = dynamic_cast<CdDecoder*>(decoder))
>>     cddecoder->setDevice(m_CDdevice);
>> just after where the decoder is created in PlaybackBoxMusic::play().
>> Also needed to add cddecoder.h to the includes. There may be a better
>> was than this but everything now seems to be working OK.
>> Paul H.
> I've just tried Pauls change to try and get some joy out of it but its
> still a sad story :-(
> If I go to the edit screen using '3' I see that the CD line is continually
> jumping from 'none' to the disk thats in the drive (at about once per
> second) - it doesn't give me a chance to select it to play it.
> If I set it for autoplay then I get the tracks listed but they don't start
> playing - and when I exit frontend crashes.

A 'make clean' has improved matters somewhat - I can now play a CD - but
it still does crazy things when I enter the edit playlist screens. The
crashes have at least gone with the clean compile...

Robin Gilks

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