[mythtv] mythmusic: libmp4ff dependency

Steven Adeff adeffs.mythtv at gmail.com
Fri Sep 15 13:08:26 UTC 2006

On 9/15/06, Paul Bender <pebender at san.rr.com> wrote:
> Steven Adeff wrote:
> > I can't find this anywhere, it doesn't seem to actually exist anymore,
> > its not even in the faad2 branch like its "supposed to be". Anyone
> > know what the deal with this is?
> I know that it is in faad2 2.0.

I just downloaded the source for both libfaad2 2.0 and 2.5 and it's in
neither. It doesn't seem to be in the debian package for faad2.0
either.  I have an ooold debian package of libaad2 that its in, but it
looks to have deprecated.

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