[mythtv] Recording/scheduling thread dying?

Tom Lichti tom at redpepperracing.com
Tue May 2 13:51:17 UTC 2006

Otto Kolsi wrote:
>>>> Has anyone else noticed their backend stopping recording scheduled
>>>> programs after running for a while?  Also failing to respond to
>>>> changes in the schedule, so e.g. setting a program to record does not
>>>> highlight it in the guide or enter into the list of scheduled
>>>> programs seen by the frontend.  Restarting mythbackend resumes normal
>>>> behaviour, starting recording properly and displaying schedule
>>>> changes.  Anyone any ideas?
>>>> I'm seeing this in svn 9799, but this has been happening in head
>>>> versions for about two weeks.
>> Are you all using MySQL 5?
> No, MySQL 4 (version that comes with FC4). Recording has worked reliably 
> for months when using different SVN version. This problem has started to 
> appear just recently.
> Because most of the stuff works, you only notice this when recording 
> does not actually get recorded. Full backend crash would be easier to 
> detect and do the restart :)
> This thread death / starvation or what ever happens only every now and 
> then. It hasn't occurred with latest SVN build, but that does not mean 
> it's not there..
I think I'm having the same problem. I am running MySQL 4 as well, with 
fairly recent SVN:

Library API version: 0.19.20060331-1
Source code version: 9824
Options compiled in:
 linux debug using_lmsensors using_v4l using_oss using_alsa using_ivtv 
using_lirc using_x11 using_xv using_xrandr using_frontend using_backend

What happens to me is that usually around a program change, or when a 
couple of programs start recording, the backend just goes away. It's 
still running, and still recording, but the frontend cannot connect to 
the backend. If I stop and start the daemon, it will pickup and start 
recording again, and then the frontend can connect. What can I do to 
help debug this?


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