[mythtv] Working frontend on Mac OS X Intel

Nigel Pearson nigel at ind.tansu.com.au
Sun Mar 19 22:56:13 UTC 2006

On 18/03/2006, at 5:48 AM, Angel Li wrote:
> Anyone know if it's safe to turn on the Mac acceleration code?

	Angel, it isn't all checked in yet, so you
won't be able to build if you enable it. Sorry.

Nigel Pearson, nigel at ind.tansu.com.au | "Gentlemen,
Telstra Net. Eng., Sydney, Australia  |  you can't fight in here
Office: 9814 4803    Fax:  9814 4897  |  - this is the war room!"
Mobile: 0408 664435  Home: 9792 6998  |      Dr Strangelove

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