[mythtv] tv.com perl script

Steven Adeff adeffs.mythtv at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 01:53:48 UTC 2006

On 3/13/06, David Asher <david.asher at caviumnetworks.com> wrote:
> Peter Kornhuld wrote:
> > Am Sonntag, 5. März 2006 17:42 schrieb Steven Adeff:
> >
> >> On 3/5/06, Bert Santema <atsantema at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi all,
> >>>
> >>> currently writing a perl script that will scrape tv.com for episode info.
> >>> At the moment it's only batch, so running from the commandline. It will
> >>> provide per directory and per file scraping. In the future it should be
> >>> simple enough to integrate it with the imdb script (search imdb or tv.com
> >>> based on directory or something). And maybe in the further future a
> >>> proper series frontend (daydreaming now..)
> >>>
> >>> But for now I was just wondering if people would be interested in my
> >>> (badly coded) perl poetry. Suppose I could put it up on sourceforge or
> >>> something. Maybe there's even a central mythtv repository (forgive my
> >>> ignorance if there is). It's not ready for release just yet, but should
> >>> be in a week or so.
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>> Bert
> >>>
> >> I've already got one, I can email it to you if you want. It will also
> >> insert shows into the Watch Recordings listing.
> >>
> > Hello,
> > I'm very interested that script... could you e-mail it to me please?
> >
> > Cheers
> >  Peter
> I would like to see it too.
> Perhaps posting it to the list or providing it for download would be easier.
> David.

I was thinking that too, so here it is:

the video must be mounted or symlinked under your recordings directory
to work. I use /MythTV/tv/Archive/blahblahdir/blahblahshow
also shows must have episode numbering either XYY or SXXEYY.

Here's what I ask, if you make any improvements please send me them,
I'll include your name as a contributor in the script, etc. I'd like
to see some mysql error checking to make sure the show hasn't been
added already, this is beyond my knowledge at this point.
I've been meaning to add some checks so that if no show information is
grabbed it will default to asking the user for information. Of course,
any other changes/improvements would be nice to have as well.


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