[mythtv] tv.com perl script

David Asher david.asher at caviumnetworks.com
Tue Mar 14 01:24:04 UTC 2006

I would like to see it too.

Perhaps posting it to the list or providing it for download would be easier.


Peter Kornhuld wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 5. März 2006 17:42 schrieb Steven Adeff:
>> On 3/5/06, Bert Santema <atsantema at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> currently writing a perl script that will scrape tv.com for episode info.
>>> At the moment it's only batch, so running from the commandline. It will
>>> provide per directory and per file scraping. In the future it should be
>>> simple enough to integrate it with the imdb script (search imdb or tv.com
>>> based on directory or something). And maybe in the further future a
>>> proper series frontend (daydreaming now..)
>>> But for now I was just wondering if people would be interested in my
>>> (badly coded) perl poetry. Suppose I could put it up on sourceforge or
>>> something. Maybe there's even a central mythtv repository (forgive my
>>> ignorance if there is). It's not ready for release just yet, but should
>>> be in a week or so.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Bert
>> I've already got one, I can email it to you if you want. It will also
>> insert shows into the Watch Recordings listing.
> Hello,
> I'm very interested that script... could you e-mail it to me please?
> Cheers
>  Peter
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