[mythtv] multicast mpeg2 as an input (iptv discussion cont.)

Nigel Pearson nigel at ind.tansu.com.au
Wed Jun 15 22:51:28 UTC 2005

> And more importantly, MythDVD relies on DeCSS, so that's probably not 
> the answer.

	Currently, MythDVD just runs an external program,
and even they don't usually contain the actual DeCSS code,
they just check to see if the runtime library is installed.
I don't think you can really say it has a dependence on CSS.

	I would like MythTV to play DVDs using all the libmyth
and libmythtv stuff, and the MythTV filters, etc, so that a
user only has to set all this sort of stuff up in one place.
(it took me ages to get the Xine keymap to work the way my
  remote works with MythTV, and even now FFWD/REW ain't right)
But this is a lot of effort that I'm not placed to expend.

Nigel Pearson, nigel at ind.tansu.com.au | "Now the world has gone to bed,
Telstra BI&D, Sydney, Australia       |  Darkness won't engulf my head,
Office: 8255 4222    Fax:  8255 3153  |  I can see by infrared,
Mobile: 0408 664435  Home: 9792 6998  |  How I hate the night." -Marvin

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