[mythtv] MythMusic graphical/theme error on Show Whole Tree (could be libmyth prob?)

Wendy Seltzer wendy at seltzer.com
Thu Feb 3 04:07:02 UTC 2005

At 3:36 AM +0000 2/3/05, Colin Guthrie wrote:
>I noticed this in MythMusic, but the problem could be in libmyth I guess.
>The problem is that the left hand graphic for the currently selected 
>node in the tree does not follow the selection properly when Show 
>Whole Tree option is set.

I see the same issue.  There are also times when the cover art 
doesn't update properly when moving from one album to the next in a 
playlist (in non-fullscreen visualization mode; switching to 
fullscreen visualization and back updates the thumbnail image).


>This happened to me on the Blue Theme (see attached)
>Could be to do with my small hacks to libmyth/mythmusic, but I can't 
>see from the code how this would be possible, so just asking if 
>someone else can confirm this behaviour?
>PS ignore the UTF8 missing character in the attached, it's not an issue!
>|     Colin Guthrie      |
>|   myth at colin.guthr.ie  |
>| http://colin.guthr.ie/ |
>Attachment converted:  wmsmac:mm_ss.jpg (JPEG/prvw) (00213CF7)
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Wendy Seltzer -- wendy at seltzer.com || wendy at eff.org
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School

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