[mythtv] Debian apt packages

Robert LeBlanc robert at leblancnet.us
Thu Dec 22 18:44:36 EST 2005

Would it be possible to link against the mpeg libraries and if they
happen to be there, then it would use them?


-----Original Message-----
From: mythtv-dev-bounces at mythtv.org
[mailto:mythtv-dev-bounces at mythtv.org] On Behalf Of Hamish Moffatt
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:14 PM
To: mythtv-dev at mythtv.org
Subject: Re: [mythtv] Debian apt packages

On Thu, Dec 22, 2005 at 07:41:26AM -0700, Robert LeBlanc wrote:
> I tried sending a message to the creator of the mythtv project on
> alioth, but have not received a response. It will be very unlikely
> there will be a nightly package for sarge and etch. What I understand
> that packages are submitted to sid, they are tested for a while then
> moved to testing (etch) and after they have gone through extensive
> testing and bug fixes then move into stable (sarge). If we want the
> project to get into the official Debian archive, we need to plan for
> this type of flow. Those who want nightly snapshots will have to run
> or at least etch. You could back port the nightly, but you run all
> of dependency problems.
> If anyone on the Mac dev list can give the Debian packagers a nudge to
> answer or e-mail me, I'd like to see the project move forward.

I wouldn't worry about getting into the official archive too much,
because it won't be straightforward due to MPEG encoding patents.

Even mplayer stripped of its encoding abilities has not been accepted
yet. MythTV would certainly not be accepted while it contains MPEG
encoding; if you could strip that out (which would still allow PVR-x50
cards, DVB/HDTV and Firewire) you would have a chance.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish at debian.org> <hamish at cloud.net.au>

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