[mythtv] Re: [mythtv-commits] mythtv commits

aaron aiperl at rogers.com
Tue Nov 23 12:00:59 UTC 2004

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Changes committed by bjm on Tue Nov 23 06:54:26 2004
> Modified Files:
>    in mythtv/libs/libmythtv:
>         programinfo.cpp programinfo.h 
>    in mythtv/programs/mythfrontend:
>         playbackbox.cpp previousbox.cpp programrecpriority.cpp 
> Log Message:
> Title sorting for Watch/Delete Recordings, Set Priorities, and
> Previously Recorded pages. In English, titles should be sorted
> alphabetically excluding the prefix words The, A and An. These and the
> Program Finder are the only pages currently which display sorted lists
> of titles. Program Finder is already hard coded to treat "The" and "A"
> as exceptions for English only and would require much more work to
> convert.

Ack! Any chance this could be configurable? :)   I find it unbelievably
confusing when titles starting with "T" are mixed in all over the place.

It's for this reason that I hate using the program finder. To me, the lists
don't look sorted.

I can understand the argument that it will put far too much into the "T" or
"A" categories, but for me it's an extra level of confusion.

Actually, come to think of it, I quite liked the old way where the sorting was
done like now, but "the," "an," etc were put at the end of the title, like
"Amazing Race, The". Would it be possible to maybe make that available again?

Or maybe I'm the only person who thinks this way, in which case I'll be quiet.


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