[mythtv] No PIDS set, please correct your channel setup

mian mythtv at mian.net.au
Mon Apr 5 19:11:34 EDT 2004

The easiest way to track it down would be to change channels and watch for
when the message occurs and the channel change fails (I believe it does a
return; now when no PIDs are set so the DVB recorder probably wont work)..
once you see what channel it happens on make sure it has both a video and
audio pid set.  If you're used to manually using the database, SELECT *
from dvb_pids WHERE Type = 'a' OR Type = 'v' and you should have an even
number 2* the number of DVB channels you have.

> Hi all,
> DVB#0 - ERROR No PIDS set, please correct your channel setup.
> I've seen a few messages about this error recently but I've not seen any
> resolutions.
> I've checked my channel setup as well as I can; I've gone through the
> database looking for clues. Everything looks good to me. I've spent the
> last
> few days plugging in messages trying to trace the reason why myth thinks I
> have no PIDS setup. So far I have failed to find the starting point where
> these PIDS get set in the first place, but I am sure that most the way
> along
> the dvb_channel struct is pretty empty. Could someone please point me in
> the
> right direction? Or if anyone has had this problem but overcome it some
> hints would be great.

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