[mythtv] DVB setup

Ben Bucksch linux.news at bucksch.org
Fri May 16 02:57:17 EDT 2003

I also updated the DB doc, attached.

Ben Bucksch wrote:

> Leandro Dardini wrote:
>> What have I to insert in "setup" "capture cards" ? 
> You can't use the graphical setup yet. Use a similar setup as for 
> analog cards, e.g.
> capturecard:
>    * videodevice: the adapter number of your device, e.g. 0 for
>      /dev/dvb/adapter0[/frontend0]
>    * audiodevice: empty
>    * vbidevice: empty
>    * cardtype: "DVB"
>    * defaultinput: "Television" (just "TV" might work as well, but must
>      match cardinput, I'd think)
>    * audioratelimit: empty/default
>    * hostname: obvious
>    * dvbtype: S, C or T, see docs
>    * use_ts: see docs
> cardinput:
>    * inputname: "Television" (or just "TV", see above)
>    * tunechan/startchan: I don't know what the difference between those
>      is, but it's the same as analog
>    * externalcommand: ignored
>    * preference/shareable: I don't know, if any code uses that yet,
>      certainly not the DVB code
> videosource:
>    * name: free
>    * xmltvgrabber: command name of your grabber, e.g. tv_grab_de
>    * userid: unused (was for the gist USA grabber, now dead)
> Of course, the ids must match in a meaningful way. "See docs" refers 
> to the document I wrote some time ago and to which I posted a link 
> earlier today.
> As cheat-sheet, here the syntax of some SQL commands for the mysql 
> console (of course, you need to adapt and extend them):
>    * To invoke mysql:
>      mysql -uusername -ppassword -hhostname
>    * To select the database:
>      use mythconverg;
>    * To add a row:
>      INSERT INTO capturecard (cardid, videodevice, cardtype) values (1,
>      "0", "DVB");
>    * To change an existing row:
>      UPDATE channel SET callsign="ARD" WHERE chanid=1;
>    * To view a row:
>      SELECT * FROM channel WHERE chanid=1;
>      SELECT callsign, channum FROM channel;
> If you son't want to deal with SQL commands, I found the QT 
> application "tora" to be quite nice to browse around the database, but 
> I didn't manage to commit changes using that :-(. PHPMyAdmin (or 
> similar) is a webinterface for roughly the same purpose. 

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