[mythtv-commits] Ticket #13184: Mythtv-setup hangs in Capture Card

MythTV noreply at mythtv.org
Sat Dec 9 15:44:17 UTC 2017

#13184: Mythtv-setup hangs in Capture Card
 Reporter:  rallan@…              |          Owner:
     Type:  Bug Report - General  |         Status:  closed
 Priority:  minor                 |      Milestone:  29.0
Component:  MythTV - General      |        Version:  v29.0
 Severity:  medium                |     Resolution:  Invalid
 Keywords:                        |  Ticket locked:  0
Changes (by pbennett):

 * status:  new => closed
 * version:  Unspecified => v29.0
 * resolution:   => Invalid
 * milestone:  needs_triage => 29.0


 The new setup is designed to be used with keyboard or remote, not with the
 mouse. It works the same way as the frontend screens.

Ticket URL: <https://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/13184#comment:2>
MythTV <http://www.mythtv.org>
MythTV Media Center

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