[mythtv-users] Frontend can't connect to database

Richard Shaw hobbes1069 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 03:18:40 UTC 2020

So a long time mythtv user on Fedora and Fedora packager >10 years, and the
maintainer of MythtTV on RPM Fusion... so it pains me to ask for help in
this case but I'm stumped.

I have no idea if this has anything to do with the upgrade from v30 to v31
but I doubt it.

I'm trying to run mythfrontend on my desktop to test performance after
changing my GPU from Nvidia to AMD but I can't seem to connect to the

A couple of months ago I upgraded my router (to a Ubiquity UGS) which
changed the default IP network from 192.168.0.x to 192.168.1.x, and I've
been correcting all sorts of crap since then, e.g. nfs exports... Blah...

However, after the inital problem connecting to the database on my combined
FE/BE I thought of this and installed phpMyAdmin there and updated all the
records to 192.168.1.%. When that didn't work I just changed them to "%"
since everthing on my home network is behind a firewall.

No dice.

What's strange is that connecting directly through mysql works:

$ mysql -hcalvin -umythtv -p mythconverg
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 451
Server version: 10.3.22-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input

MariaDB [mythconverg]>

--- no problem ---

But when I run mythfrontend:

2020-04-08 22:01:16.207896 N [16368/16368] thread_unknown
mythdirs.cpp:203:InitializeMythDirs  Using runtime prefix = /usr
2020-04-08 22:01:16.207904 N [16368/16368] thread_unknown
mythdirs.cpp:204:InitializeMythDirs  Using configuration directory =
mythcontext.cpp:885:TestDBconnection  Start up testing connections. DB, BE , attempt 0, status dbAwake, Delay: 2000
2020-04-08 22:01:19.108658 I [16368/16368] CoreContext
mythcontext.cpp:885:TestDBconnection  Start up testing connections. DB, BE , attempt 1, status dbAwake, Delay: 2000
2020-04-08 22:01:24.113804 I [16368/16368] CoreContext
mythcontext.cpp:885:TestDBconnection  Start up testing connections. DB, BE , attempt 2, status dbAwake, Delay: 2000

Why in the love of god is it trying to connect to when the
configuration directory is correct and config.xml quite plainly points to
the backend?

$ cat .mythtv/config.xml

What obvious thing have I missed?

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