[mythtv-users] Issue with multiple IVTV tuners

Mark Perkins perkins1724 at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 25 01:06:38 UTC 2018

On 25/01/18 04:15, James B. Huber wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-01-24 at 01:15 +0000, Mark Perkins wrote:
>> On 24 January 2018 8:56:03 am "James B. Huber" <jbhuber at judahnet.net> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2018-01-23 at 21:39 +0000, Mark Perkins wrote:
>>>> On 24 January 2018 7:11:04 am "James B. Huber" <jbhuber at judahnet.net> wrote:
>>>>> Before I include the backend log snippit, Here is the first 5 lines of
>>>>> the seperate config files (m3u files) that are used for each of the IPTV
>>>>> (IE: FreeBOX) encoders:
>>>>> FBE200-1.m3u
>>>>> #EXTM3U
>>>>> #EXTINF:0,1245 - ELREYHD
>>>>> #EXTMYTHTV:xmltvid=I84175
>>>>> and
>>>>> FBE200-2.m3u
>>>>> #EXTM3U
>>>>> #EXTINF:1,1245 - ELREYHD
>>>>> #EXTMYTHTV:xmltvid=I84175
>>>> Looks like you have repeated the #EXTINF lines.
> So I have uniqued the recording groups in the EXTINF, no help.

But did you make unique chanid's? You can't reuse the chanid with 
multiple urls (well, as I understand it). I don't think the group 
matters much.

> Here is what I have found. in the mythconverg, the iptv_channel table,
> the URL column, contains the URL of whatever .m3u file loaded last. It
> would appear that myth is paying no attention to the fact there are 2
> capture cards with unique cardid's defined.

This sounds a bit like you have still got duplicated chanid.

> Switched away from zap2it, if that makes anyone happy, but that is not
> the issue.
> Are we saying that myth can really only handle a single iptv tuner ?
I have 13 IPTV tuners on my production backend over two separate m3u 
files and 15 IPTV tuners on a test backend over three m3u files (30+ 
channels) so multiple IPTV tuners and multiple m3u files can work. But 
all my chanid are unique.

And just to add that I don't think the problem is with zap2it, it was 
just an observation that in the past similar threads had been shut down.

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