[mythtv-users] New frequency for NY NBC OTA channel 4

Tom Dexter digitalaudiorock at gmail.com
Tue Apr 3 02:02:28 UTC 2018

On Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 8:26 PM, Tom Dexter <digitalaudiorock at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just found out the hard way that apparently NY NBC channel 4
> apparently changed frequency on April 1.
> I've never been comfortable doing that channel scan. Frankly it about
> gives me a heart attack. It's NEVER clear as to what it's going to do
> etc and I always have visions of needing to restore my database. In
> the past I've had it arbitrarily rename all my channels from using the
> dot I have now (for example 4.1) to dashes (4-1). If I recall
> correctly there used to be some option for that but I'm not sure there
> is any longer. I haven't needed to rescan much at all in the 10+ years
> I've been using MythTV. Maybe it's just me, but doing so seems to have
> been more harrowing  every time I've done it.

I was just looking and recalled this mess I had years back:


I'm hoping to avoid messes like that.

If someone can at least clear me up on the various prompts in the
rescan it'd help me a lot. I think, if I can recall, it tells you
about channels that have changed, channels that have been added, and
channels that have gone away. I've never seen any of this documented
clearly anywhere. If I'm wrong on that please let me know where it is.
It's always been a total mystery to me.

I can't recall the options it gives you but I recall them being
extremely unclear. There's an "ignore all" and a "delete all" and I
believe a "hide all"(?). I'm assuming that the hide simply marks those
channels as hidden(?). I'm most concerned about the delete. I would
assume that would delete those channels, but I've read things
indicating that delete just deletes them from the scan(?). That's the
one I'm most concerned about as it could delete my Philadelphia
stations, which I do use on rare occasions (Philly NFL games for
example). If I recall, some, but not all of those steps have an option
to manually deal with them one at a time, which would probably be
ideal. Maybe I'm just best off letting add, change, and update
everything just to be clean. If I loose my Philly stations I can deal
with that later I suppose.

Thanks in advance if anyone understands this better than I.


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