[mythtv-users] Machine hung -- lists of recorded programs and upcoming recordings empty.

Peter Bennett (cats22) cats22 at comcast.net
Wed Sep 23 15:19:30 UTC 2015

On 09/22/2015 10:41 PM, Dick Steffens wrote:
> As happens infrequently, when I tried to turn on the backend this
> evening I found the machine hung. I see my wallpaper, but there is no
> response to keyboard or mouse. Also, I could not SSH in from my laptop
> nor see MythWeb. When this happens the only alternative is to manually
> shut down the box and restart it. Most of the time this works fine.
> Infrequently (relative to the already infrequent need to go through
> this) when the box restarts the fan goes to high speed and stays
> there. After a "restart" from the shutdown menu the box will restart
> and the fan will return to normal. Tonight I had to go through the
> "restart" procedure twice in order to get the fan to go quiet. I don't
> know if this is a red herring or not, but I throw it out there in the
> interests of more information might be helpful.
With all the problems you are having it seems you must be having
frequent crashes and the database is getting corrupted. You likely have
some serious hardware problem in your system. I would start trying to
track that down, replacing components or moving the backend to another
machine. It could be a disk drive problem. I had a disk drive once that
was causing the boot process to take excessively long, and causing
issues similar to what you are having, but not nearly as bad as what you
are seeing. After replacing the disk drive and copying everything to the
new drive, the system was fine again.


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