[mythtv-users] Channel Icons

Kirk Bocek t004 at kbocek.com
Thu Jun 11 00:11:03 UTC 2015

On 6/10/2015 3:11 PM, Bill Meek wrote:
> On 06/10/2015 03:25 PM, Kirk Bocek wrote:
>> Reading:
>> https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Channel_icons
>> "Starting with version 0.27, a single location for channel icons is 
>> used. It may
>> be in the/.mythtv/channels/directory of the user that runs/mythbackend/.
>> Typically,/mythtv/. The location is defined in the built-in 
>> ChannelIcons Storage
>> Group (it's not necessary to create a ChannelIcons Storage Group.)"
> If you look at the history of that page, some guy named Llib (bilL 
> backwards)
> wrote those eloquent words ;).
>> That's where my icons went. But if I don't create a ChannelIcons 
>> storage group,
>> how do I find out how it is defined?
> If you're running the BE as root as opposed to starting it as root and 
> using
> the --user mythtv switch, then right, the built-in ChannelIcons Storage
> Group should automatically point at ~root/.mythtv/channels. That 
> assumes the
> HOME directory for root is /root, which is likely.
> You'd have to pastebin your startup script, .conf or .system file to 
> see if
> anything else is going on. Setting MYTHCONFDIR, for example, overrides 
> the
> value of HOME. The output of: ps ax | grep mythbackend | grep -v grep 
> may be
> helpful too.
> Another troubleshooting tool is: mythbackend --setverbose upnp 
> (really) and
> then look in your backend log for errors when the browser test is run.

After thinking about this running as root thing, I looked at my BE and 
saw the files created in /var/lib/mythtv as part of the installation 
package. I'm running CentOS. So, I copied my downloaded icons into 
/var/lib/mythtv/channels, which already existed.


now works. Checking my frontends, the program listings now display icons 
and the channel info during live TV now display icons.

So the ChannelIcon storage group is either hard coded to 
/var/lib/mythtv/channels or it looks at the mythtv user. However the 
icon downloader uses the current home directory, which, when I ran it, 
was root.

Maybe I should start a new thread here. Does anyone have any suggestions 
on changing my BE user from root to mythtv. The user is already there. 
Is it just enough to move the /root/.mythtv folder to /var/lib/mythtv, 
add the user option to /etc/sysconfig/mythbackend?

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