[mythtv-users] Gentoo mythbackend setup and logging

Mike Perkins mikep at randomtraveller.org.uk
Sat Feb 21 09:49:12 UTC 2015

On 21/02/15 04:56, david brooke wrote:
> I have a detailed outline for mythtv and mysql prior to mythtv-setup for
> Gentoo using openrc. I would like for other users to review and make
> suggestions / corrections as needed.
> Thanks
> 1. Install the MythTV
> # emerge -av mythtv
> 2. Install MariaDB
> # emerge -av mariadb
> 3. Enable and start MySQL
> # rc-update add mysql default && rc-service mysql start
> 4. You'll also need to check that the "networking" feature of MySQL is
> turned on. Check that /etc/mysql/my.cnf does not contain skip-networking.
> If it does, either remove that line or comment it out. Also verify that
> bind-address is set to your IP address instead of If you change
> either of these items, restart MySQL.
> 5. Setup mysql and add a password:
> # mysql_secure_installation
> 6. Create the database structure: (See example using root as user and 1234
> as password)
> # mysql -u root -p1234 /usr/share/mythtv/database/mc.sql
> 7. Update your database: (See example using root as user and 1234 as
> password)
> # mysql_upgrade -u root -p1234
> 8. Add time zone tables: (See example using root as user and 1234 as
> password)
> $ mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root -p1234 mysql
> 9. Allow remote frontends access: (See example using mythtv as user, mythtv
> as password and root as user, 1234 as password)
> # mysql -u root -p1234
> MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON mythconverg.* TO 'mythtv'@'192.168.97.%'
> IDENTIFIED BY 'mythtv';
> ***Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)***output only!
> MariaDB [(none)]> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
> ***Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)***output only!
> MariaDB [(none)]> exit
> ***Bye***output only!
> 10. Enable and start mythbackend
> # rc-update add mythbackend default && rc-service mythbackend start
> 11. Setup mythbackend
> $ mythtv-setup
> 12. Setup logging for mythfrontend and mythbackend.
> Edit /etc/conf.d/mythfrontend
> Replace
> #MYTHFRONTEND_OPTS="--syslog local7"
> With
> MYTHFRONTEND_OPTS="--quiet --logpath /var/log/mythtv"
> Edit /etc/conf.d/mythbackend
> Replace
> With
> MYTHBACKEND_OPTS="--quiet --logpath /var/log/mythtv"
You do NOT want to start mythbackend before running mythtv-setup!

Since the backend process usually runs without a console you'd have no control 
over any database upgrading activity, nor will you have any opportunity to make 
sure that your tuner, channels, storage directories etc. are correct and present.

Setup will nag if you already have a backend running.

Between #9 and #10 is when you should be running mythtv-setup. Only after that 
should you then start the backend, followed by a mythfilldatabase run to update 
your channel schedules.


Mike Perkins

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