[mythtv-users] Show showing as already recorded when it is not.

Simon Hobson linux at thehobsons.co.uk
Thu Sep 4 09:51:46 UTC 2014

stinga <stinga+mythtv at wolf-rock.com> wrote:

> programid for an old show matches, I seem to remember this issue from before.
> Terror of the Autons is series 8 episode 2 from 1971

Nice when they do that isn't it ?

Going from a very vague memory having done it once or twice "some time" ago ...
On a frontend, go to "Previously Recorded" where you'll find a list of everything that's ever been recorded (and not deleted with the "Delete and Re-record" option) - it'll be a long list !
Scroll down to the episode in question.
If you press Enter rather than Menu, you will get various options - one of which is to forget all previously recorded episodes which is useful when you get a "new" show that repeats the series no etc from the "old" shows.

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