[mythtv-users] mythtv dropping mysql???

Rich Freeman r-mythtv at thefreemanclan.net
Wed Oct 22 20:47:15 UTC 2014

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 4:34 PM, Karl Dietz
<dekarl at spaetfruehstuecken.org> wrote:
> On 22.10.2014 19:50, Rich Freeman wrote:
>> On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Gregorio Gervasio, Jr.
>>>>>>>> Rich Freeman writes:
>>>> You embed ffmpeg today by putting a copy of the code into MythTV, and
>>>> you talk about having control over what features the database
>>>> supports.  That sounds like doing a cp -r on some portion of mysql and
>>>> sticking it in MythTV.  [... more FUD]
>>> It sounds like you still haven't googled "MySQL Embedded".
>> I know what MySQL embedded is.  Just as with any other piece of
>> software you can use the system version or you can distribute a
>> version in your tarball and install that.  MythTV uses just that
>> approach with ffmpeg, embedding their own copy of it in the source
>> tarball.  It COULD use the system-provided ffmpeg, but it doesn't (and
>> I realize that the bundled copy is slightly tweaked, but as I
>> understand it not to a great extent and it is more about having
>> control over just what is being linked to).
> Ffmpeg didn't want our changes back in the days of yore. Then they had
> their own fun with a fork. Now we are in the process of slowly sorting
> everything out, when many people have long moved on after giving up.

I meant COULD in a hypothetical sense, not a practical one.  Just in
the sense that you can link to a system-provided library or ship your
own version.

I didn't intend to suggest that MythTV made the wrong decision with
ffmpeg. I don't know enough to know either way.  Generally speaking it
is best to avoid bundling forks of libraries, but it probably isn't
always avoidable.

My point was just to say that MySQL faces the same decision.  You
could use the system-provided library, or you could bundle an
identical-to-upstream version of MySQL (which could be different from
the system-provided library), or you could even make modifications to
MySQL and bundle that.  I don't hear any firm commitment to only do
the first, and so I raised this as another potential concern.

I do realize that my email could have come across as a criticism of
the decision to fork ffmpeg.  To be honest this has caused me issues
in the past, but that really wasn't what I was intending to talk about


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