[mythtv-users] LCD and Mythweb Questions

Karl Newman newmank1 at asme.org
Fri Nov 14 05:53:48 UTC 2014

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 7:38 PM, Jay Foster <jayf0ster at roadrunner.com>

> On 11/13/2014 09:52 AM, Bill Meek wrote:
>> On 11/13/2014 10:34 AM, Jay Foster wrote:
>>> On 11/8/2014 2:07 PM, Jay Foster wrote:
>> ...
>>> The second odd thing is with mythweb.  When I use firefox from the
>>>> FE/BE system, the channel icons on the listings and recorded programs
>>>> page
>>>> are all scaled to the same size and look OK.  When I use firefox from
>>>> some other machine, the channel icons are not scaled at all. This
>>>> produces a poor UI.  Some are larger and some small.  Why would
>>>> mythweb scale the icons sometimes and not for others?  Note, when
>>>> accessing
>>>> from the FE/BE system, I use the 127.0.0/mythweb URI, and from other
>>>> machines the 192.168.x.x/mythweb URI.  I cannot see why that should
>>>> matter.
>>> ...
>>> Anyone have any ideas how to fix mythweb to scale the channel icons?
>>> I compared the HTML source from the web browser for the working (FE/BE
>>> system) and non working (any other system) and they are the same (that
>>> is what I expected).  How/where are the channel icons suppose to be
>>> scaled?
>> Looking at: <whereverYourMythwebIs>/modules/tv/classes/Channel.php
>> near line 118, I'm wondering if you're getting a local version of
>> the icons on your remote FEs. E.g. a cached icon. If I do this:
>>      ls -l {~mythtv,~}/.mythtv/channels
>> nothing is returned on a remote FE, because the icons are all in
>> one place on the BE now.
>> If you use Firefox on your FE/BE and then again on a remote FE
>> with the following:
>>    <localhost|IP>:6544/Guide/GetChannelIcon?ChanId=<someChannelId>
>> are they also different sizes? (taking mythweb out of the picture)
>> Since it's working on your backend, you must already know about this:
>>      https://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Channel_icons#Universal_Location
>> but I put it here anyway.
>>  Thanks for a reply.
> My channel icon files are located in these directories:
> /var/cache/mythweb/image_cache/
> /home/jay/.mythtv/channels/
> The /home/mythtv/.mythtv/channels/ directory is empty.  I suspect that
> mythtv copied the files from /home/jay/.mythtv/channels/ to
> /var/cache/mythweb/image_cache/.  The file sizes are the same in both
> directories, so the files themselves have not be scaled.  This is a
> combined FE/BE system.  It is the only FE I have.
> When running firefox on the FE/BE system, the icons are scaled properly.
> When running firefox on some other computer (non mythtv computer), the
> icons are not scaled.  The HTML code is the same for both cases.  The PHP
> code that generates this HTML is the same code running on the same FE/BE.
> Somehow firefox on the FE/BE system is scaling the icons, but I have no
> idea how.

This is probably not the problem, but maybe Firefox itself is screwed up?
I've helped several people that accidentally changed the zoom (and were
subsequently baffled and annoyed) by hitting the control key while they
were scrolling. Ctrl+0 (zero) will reset it to the default zoom.

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