[mythtv-users] MobileMyth v.7 Released - Better Late Than Never

Matt Emmott memmott at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 18:14:00 UTC 2014

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 12:27 AM, Jon Heizer <jheizer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Long time, no update.  I've finally wrapped up an update to MobileMyth.  I
> had grand plans to incorporate ChromeCasts with this but when Google
> finally got around to releasing the final SDK, I was against the rules.  So
> it is a bit light on new features.
> What is MobileMyth you ask since it has been so long:
>  - Goal of the project is to have a platform independent web browser based
> frontend
>  - Support phones, tablets, desktops
>  - HLS Stream files or access them directly
>  - Videos
>  - Remote play to frontends (though this could be prettier)
>  - View Statuses/upcoming/conflicts/storage/etc
>  - Auto transcode HLS streams and auto remove them
>  - Proxy all backend access through your webserver so no vpn is required
> although in some cases the video streaming has issues.
> What's New:
>  - Brand new theme
>  - WoL Support for remote frontends
>  - Gallery support for the possible new plugin currently in master
>  - Completely new Services API layer to better support any Myth version.
> Currently Support .25-.28-pre (as of a few months ago, I know some stuff
> in master has changed recently probably)  I also have not tested against
> .25-.26 lately.
> http://www.mobilemyth.net/
> Give it a try and let me know what you think.
> Jon

I finally got around to installing this via the new repo. I kept running
into a 400 error which I had previously had under the manual installation,
so I uninstalled mobilemyth, deleted all the directories and config files
it had created along with the mono stuff I had manually installed. I
rebooted and reinstalled mobilemyth, but am now seeing the following error
when I try to reload apache:

 Syntax error on line 3 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mobilemyth.conf:
Invalid command 'MonoServerPath', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module
not included in the server configuration

I took a look at the referenced conf file and here's the line in question:

MonoServerPath mobilemyth "/usr/bin/mod-mono-server4"

I've confirmed that the mod-mono-server4 exists. What else should I look
at? Could that entry that just says "mobilemyth" be an issue?

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