[mythtv-users] Mythbuntu-bare-client crashes

Bill Meek keemllib at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 22:38:01 UTC 2014

On 11/10/2014 11:11 AM, Daryl McDonald wrote:
> Greetings Mythizens, I've been getting these crash reports on start up and
> occasionally during use of Myth. Could this be related to 'sudo rm' ing a
> link that existed between /var/lib/mythtv and /media/storage/mythtv or is
> it more likely, as found in the details of the crash report due to a
> problem with "mythbackup.py crashed with config parser. No section
> error_in_unify_values(): No Section: 'General' "
> TIA Daryl

Maybe /var/lib/mythtv/bare-client/mythbuntu-bare-client.conf or it's corrupted.
I don't use it so you may need to use Google to find things like:


for it's format.


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