[mythtv-users] Feature Request: Differentiate TV Shows From Movies

merc1984 at f-m.fm merc1984 at f-m.fm
Tue May 20 23:37:05 UTC 2014

On Tue, May 20, 2014, at 14:29, Mark Perkins wrote:
> Try setting the season and episode number in the video metadata. Non zero
> values for season / episode seem to be the best way to get the correct
> grabber to be used.

Yes this works.  I 'E', then set the Title to Danger Man, and set the
Season and Episode, Save and have it fetch the metadata, and sure enough
it gets the storyline, director, date, and other info.  But it does not
get the correct image appropriate to the episode, which thetvdb has.  It
always shows McGoohan's picture.  This is far better than it was, but I
don't understand why it doesn't fetch the episode image?

> I suspect it all comes down to the naming convention and file / folder
> structure you are using. Perhaps give a full example of the folder names
> / file names you are using and people can comment.
> The accepted conventions are found here:
> http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/MythVideo_File_Parsing
> I use a Plex compatible structure which is quite defined and seems to
> give me pretty good results in Mythvideo.
> https://support.plex.tv/hc/en-us/categories/200028098
> Essentially for a TV show I have:
> /Path/to/TV/"Show Title"/"Season ##"/"Title - S##E## - Subtitle.mp4"
> Where /Path/to/TV/ is a folder defined in my Mythvideo storage group.

Thank you, but this does not sort the episodes in order in the
directory.  Mine is set up as 
~/Videos/Series/Danger Man/01-01 - View from the Villa.mpg 
~/Videos/Series/Danger Man/01-02 - Time to Kill.mpg 
... etc.  So:  Season-Episode - Name.mpg .  

How did that other format get accepted when it doesn't sort files in
order, and uses more directory paths than necessary?  I mean, I don't
mean to question the way things are, but it doesn't seem optimal.

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