[mythtv-users] mysql query failing after upgrade to 5.5

John Marshall mythtv at marshallparty.org
Thu Aug 14 19:11:59 UTC 2014

>     SELECT p.title,
>             p.starttime,
>     ch.name
>     FROM program AS p
>        JOIN channel AS ch ON p.chanid = ch.chanid
>        JOIN recorded AS R ON p.programid = R.programid
>        JOIN channel AS C ON (R.chanid = C.chanid AND C.commmethod != -2)
>        LEFT JOIN (SELECT r2.starttime, r2.programid
>                 FROM recorded AS R2
>                 JOIN channel AS C2 ON
>                    (R2.chanid = C2.chanid AND C2.commmethod = -2)
>                ) AS rec2 on rec2.programid = p.programid
>     WHERE p.category_type = "movie"
>        AND p.starttime > CONVERT_TZ(NOW(),"SYSTEM","__UTC")
>        AND rec2.starttime IS NULL
>     It's not clear to me why there are two joins to channel - c and ch,
>     nor whether rec2 should join to p.programid or r.programid, but
>     perhaps the general suggestion will help you out.  I also don't
>     think there needs to be a GROUP BY, since there is no aggregation.
> The second join to channel (i.e., C2) is for the subquery to pick up
> recordings that were made on comm free channels. The recording table
> doesn't have that information, hence I have to pull in that data from
> the channel table. The GROUP BY is an attempt to show only one listing
> for each combination of (title, channel.name).
> It's probably an abuse of GROUP BY but it worked at the time so I didn't
> pursue it further. Ideally it would show the earliest showing for the
> title on the channel.

Yeah, I was clear on C2, but not ch.  I think I see now that R and C are 
for what was recorded, and p and ch are for the new showing you want to 
record.  If you

     SELECT p.title, min(p.starttime), ch.name
     GROUP BY p.title, ch.name

You'll get the earliest showing on each channel, but a title may be 
shown on multiple channels.  If you want the earliest showing on any 
channel you'll have to get fancier.  (over/partition in sql server - not 
sure with mysql.)

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