[mythtv-users] tmdb grabber switch to v3

IsmoT ismot at telemail.fi
Sun Dec 1 18:25:57 UTC 2013

>Booting off the network with no concern of disk failure is a basic
>property shared by anything that boots over PXE, BootP, iSCSI, or ATAoE.
>It's not a special trait of MiniMyth, hence Saul's question of what
>makes MiniMyth better than other network boot solutions.

Yes I know that, but I haven't found anything else that uses netboot and is somehow possible to use with mythtv. Ubuntu diskless seems outdated.

Starting from stratch and building whole diskless system from zero is big challenge and needs a lot of time and effort. And studying too.

I am quite familiar with minimyth, and it feels sad that it is not maintained anymore. I personally don't have skills or time to do it. Hope somebody has.

Please let me know, if there is something, that could be used as alternative, somewhat documented and maintained system.

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