[mythtv-users] Video coverart and play next video

Andre mythtv-list at dinkum.org.uk
Mon Oct 1 11:56:25 UTC 2012

For some reason I've lost all ability to get coverart for videos, it used to work but now it doesn't.

I had some poorly named movies that I wanted to correct so did the move the directories scan move them back dance, there were quite a few misnamed movies so I decided to clean up and start again. Bad move, after that I get metadata (year, cast description) but no pictures of any sort, when there's a choice of matching movie I get cover pictures in the chooser (W key) but they don't show in the videos UI.

I've checked the permissions and ownership, everything is mythtv:mythtv and rwx, backend runs as mythtv, I've deleted and re-created the SGs for videos, coverart, fanart, banners etc.

Some searching suggests it's common for recording coverart to not be working but for me that's fine including some recordings from today. Didn't find anything about videos other than people without the right permissions or without the full set of storage groups.

I'm trying to update the library from a frontend running on the main backend but have tried from a couple of other frontends too, all frontends have the same UIDs for all users.

I'm running 0.25-fixes on 64bit Ubuntu 10.11
mythbackend version: fixes/0.25 [v0.25.2-25-g0817eb2-dirty] www.mythtv.org

dirty is due to a patch to allow more than 5 multirec tuners.

Where do I start looking?


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