[mythtv-users] HLS Without Transcoding?

Jack list-mythtv-users at jack.org.uk
Wed May 16 15:29:39 UTC 2012

On Thu, 2012-05-17 at 01:08 +1000, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
> HLS requires to transcode as HLS only supports mpeg-ts container with
> a H264 streams for video, and either a MP3 or a AAC stream for audio.

That's fine, most (if not all) of my media is h264. OK, they would have
to be re-packed from mkv to mpeg-ts. Not sure why the restriction on
audio (or video, for that matter) codec - surely that choice should
depend on what the receiving system can handle?
My main question is about the enforcement of an expensive scale and
re-encode of the video stream. Why isn't there a 'leave it alone and let
the client deal with it' option?


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