[mythtv-users] HD HomeRun Prime, CableCard, LiveTV works

Ronald Frazier ron at ronfrazier.net
Mon Mar 19 16:25:12 UTC 2012

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Richard Nickle <ricknickle at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I'm able to tune to the Prime without any trouble from the 'Watch TV'
> interface, its just that the recording sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.
> As a test I scheduled 4 things last night before I turned in, and this
> morning only 2 of the four things were recorded, the other two had 376 byte
> stub .mpg files in the recording directory.

It's odd that LiveTV would work but not recordings since LiveTV is
really just a recording that you watch live, with some extra overhead
involved (so if anything, I'd expect the opposite).

Could it be that some of the tuners are working fine and some aren't
(either improperly configured, or a defective HDHR or cablecard)?
Perhaps your recordings are using one or 2 tuners while your livetv is
using the third. This could happen if you have the "avoid conflicts
between live tv and recordings" option turned on. So my suggestion is
to go into live tv and then use the menu to switch inputs. cycle
through all 3 of the primes inputs and make sure they all work.

Alternatively, it could just be that some channels aren't working.
I've seen this many times with cablecards. Make sure the specific
channels that had the failed recordings actually work in live tv.

Ron Frazier

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