[mythtv-users] analog tuner on HVR-1600 not capturing?

Robert Rust rjrbytes at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 11:05:58 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Lawrence Houston <
mythtv at greenfield.dyndns.org> wrote:

> Robert:
> On Wed, 27 Jun 2012, Robert Rust wrote:
>  My apologies to those who subscribe to ivtv-users and have seen this
>> already, but I'm having difficulties getting an HVR-1600 that I removed
>> from
>> an existing (and fully functional) MythTV 10.04 system to work in a new
>> box
>> that I built.  The tuner appears to get signal (when I use ivtv-ctl to
>> tune
>> it and MythTV finds channels during a scan), but dumping from /dev/video0
>> (device for tuner 1) to a file produces a 0 byte file with no explanation
>> in
>> any logs I can find.  When I record, I get repeating lines my my log that
>> say:
>> DevRdB(/dev/video0) Error: Poll giving up
>> MPEGRec(/dev/video0) Error: Device error detected
>> DevRdB(/dev/video0): Stop(): Not running.
> Back when I was using the Analog Side of my HVR-1600 Cards at first I was
> "Fooled" into accepting "Analog V4L" as the Card Type since MythTV would
> Probe the HVR-1600 Cards, although they only work with "IVTV MPEG-2" Card
> Type selected...  Double Check you have the correct card type selected???

Yep.  I'm pretty sure MythTV isn't even the root of the problem, since cat
/dev/video0 doesn't produce a data file. I just thought I'd ask here in
case someone else had encountered a similar problem.

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