[mythtv-users] 0.25 Major AV sync problems

Bryan Bennetts bryan.bennetts at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 08:02:37 UTC 2012

On 19 June 2012 05:24, Jean-Yves Avenard <jyavenard at gmail.com> wrote:

> it's bizarre that it's not something everyone would see

Ehm, I'm seeing similar symptoms (blushes, shuffles feet) haven't mentioned
it as there seemed to be others having a dig and once I'd shifted my audio
by 100ms it hasn't really bothered me, also I had done a fresh install to a
new FE using a different OS and upgraded myth version so there are an awful
lot of variables.

Separate BE/FE running Mythbuntu 0.25+fixes *although* I haven't updated
recently, > 2 weeks.

FE : Acer Aspire Revo r3700, audio out via spdif optical to Logitech Z-5500

UK DVB-t and t2 both seem to have the issue.

Likewise its a nice-to-fix but not imperative, I'm sure JY has alot more
intersting problems to look at :)

Cheers, Bryan.
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