[mythtv-users] mythcenter-wide gui refresh rate

Andre mythtv-list at dinkum.org.uk
Mon Jul 16 13:18:18 UTC 2012

On 16 Jul 2012, at 10:34, David Farmer wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 6:55 PM, David Farmer <remrafevad at gmail.com> wrote:
> Recently I updated MythTV
> [2012-07-04 16:51] upgraded mythtv (1:0.25-3 -> 1:0.25.1-1)
> and
> [2012-07-09 17:25] upgraded mythtv (1:0.25.1-1 -> 1:0.25.1-2)
> and have noticed that the MythCenter-wide theme doesn't like using my default refresh rate of 1080p at 60Hz. When using the earlier version 0.25-3 I didn't have this issue. I have the “Separate video modes for GUI and TV playback” checked.
> Frontend log gives
> 2012-07-15 18:10:21.973686 N  Desktop video mode: 1920x1080 59.939 Hz
> 2012-07-15 18:10:21.978472 I  max_width: 1920 max_height: 1080
> 2012-07-15 18:10:21.978500 I  Trying 1920x1080 0.000 Hz
> 2012-07-15 18:10:22.199381 I  SwitchToGUI: Switched to 1920x1080 0.000 Hz
> which results in 1080i at 50Hz on my screen. If I begin playing a recording, Myth then gives me 1080p at 50Hz, and stopping the recording keeps it at that setting.
> Can I set the theme to accept 60Hz again?

It's always worked like that, well on all my systems anyway, myth changes the refresh on start of playback but never changes it back when playback finishes.

I prefer 50hz as my projector is quieter so I have the desktop set to 50hz on boot (in Nvidia controls), then myth changes to 60hz for US material, 24hz for films and back to 50hz for European (& Antipodean) TV.

> But what is the last video you tried to play ? 
> If you set the refresh rate to "Auto" it will set your screen refresh 
> rate to the framerate of the last video played 
> I'm in Australia and all my recordings are at 50Hz. I do have it set to auto, and after playing any recording Myth automatically sets it to 1080p at 50Hz, and it stays there from then onwards. 
> But the GUI doesn't seem to recognise my 60Hz setting upon startup since the update described. I liked this setting for a really smooth GUI experience (not just in Myth but all programmes). At 1080i I seem to get those awful deinterlace-style lines through the Myth GUI, which only goes away after playing the first recording. Once I close Myth, my display reverts to 60Hz for all other programmes.

The only way I can think this is happening is if your mode lines (or TV capability) for 1080 at 50hz are for 1080i not 1080p, then once you have watched a 50hz programme it stays that way until you watch a 60hz one or restart X/ reboot. The Myth and any GUI interlaced is truly awful, I have an LCD monitor that advertises 1080i over hdmi but will do 1080p if you override with mode lines.


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