[mythtv-users] hours to edit channels?

Douglas Peale Douglas_Peale at comcast.net
Sun Jul 10 17:03:17 UTC 2011

On 07/10/2011 09:31 AM, Charles Wright wrote:
> I would find the editable link to a dialog to be a negative, because
> what I mainly do is mark things that I don't get on that lineup (or
> just plain don't want) invisible.  I can do this with 1 click per
> channel + the submission.  A click, a dialog, a click, and a submit
> would be much more painful.
> Filtering based on source would be very nice though.
> Charles
> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Mike Perkins
> <mikep at randomtraveller.org.uk> wrote:
>> On 10/07/11 15:23, Eric Sharkey wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jul 10, 2011 at 3:19 AM, Fa<fayoeu at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> 2.  Here is where I like the mythweb channel editor to use mass editing.
>>> I've never had much luck with mythweb's channel editor.  There are so
>>> many channels, and no easy way that I know of to filter the list based
>>> on sourceid or other such criteria that the page is unwieldy.  Using
>>> it, I find myself nervous that I'm going to screw up my other sources.
>>>   Most of the time, it doesn't seem to work at all.  When I click save
>>> to save the changes, the page just reloads and everything is back to
>>> the way it was.
>> This may depend on the total number of channels mythweb has to display. Once you
>> reach a threshold you'll have to tinker with the PHP default settings, and
>> possible the suhosin settings as well. Buffer size, # fields, etc. will all
>> result in an apache error message when your channel count breaks the limits.
>> Actually, I would prefer a different approach to editing this unwieldy table.
>> Instead of making every possible field an editable field, just make each line a
>> link which brings up an editable dialog. No need for thousands of fields that way.
>> --
>> Mike Perkins
Mythweb does not let you filter by source, but it does let you sort by source by clicking on the column title. Not as good as
filtering, but better than nothing.

Also I would suggest scte65scan. On Comcast, this will give you Comcasts mapping between frequency ID & call sign for SD clear
QAM stations. It also gives you the mapping to the Comcast channel number which can be useful as Comcast sometimes has a
different idea of the call sign than Schedules Direct for some of the more obscure cable only stations.

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