[mythtv-users] How to control database settings from config.xml

Michael T. Dean mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Wed Dec 21 22:29:04 UTC 2011

On 12/21/2011 04:51 PM, Göran Uddeborg wrote:
> According to http://code.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/10209#comment:1 it
> should be possible to use config.xml mysql.txt.  I'm trying to do
> that, but it fails.
> When I look at the files as generated, config.xml seems to contain
> almost all the information from mysql.txt already, except for the
> DBType setting.  (See below for details.)  But it still doesn't work
> for me without the mysql.txt file.  I tried to add a DBType entry
> in config.xml too, but that didn't make any difference.

Yeah, we only support one DBType, and that value has never, ever, done 
anything (so will be dropped when we drop mysql.txt).

> What is it I don't get?

How many systems do you have (systems running mythbackend and systems 
running mythfrontend)?  Which system is this that's not connecting?

Based on the ticket info, it sounds like your master backend/frontend 
system works fine, and this is a remote frontend machine.

If that's the case, you definitely need a:


element in your config.xml (a child of the <DefaultBackend> element).  
In it, you would put the PIN value you specified in mythtv-setup for:

Security PIN (required)
PIN code required for a frontend to connect to the backend. Blank 
prevents all connections; 0000 allows any client to connect.

(and note that it applies to any non-master-backend system, including 
remote backends and mythjobqueue servers, as well as frontends).

As far as the .config/Trolltech.conf issue goes, I hadn't yet looked to 
see if there's a Qt bug reported for it.  Based on a quick search for 
Trolltech.conf at https://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/ , it looks like it 
hasn't been reported.  I'm guessing there are few users (and fewer 
developers) who have tried HOME directories with UTF-8 characters.  
Note, also, that if you report it, you should prove to them that you're 
running in an environment with a UTF-8 codeset specified--i.e. show the 
output of the "locale" command with LC_ALL and LANG both showing 
"sv_SE.UTF-8", and feel free to mention that it eventually gets the 
codeset right--just not until it loads the text CODEC plugins.  You 
should probably also attach both of the Trolltech.conf files that are 
created--and to ensure they're clean copies, feel free to just delete 
both of the Trolltech.conf files, then start up mythfrontend--it will 
recreate them with proper information, so you won't lose 
any(MythTV)thing in the process (and, in theory, they are 
Qt-internal-only, so shouldn't lose anything for any other application).


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