[mythtv-users] Many new dvd's not working

Dom H speedsix.lists at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 19 13:24:31 UTC 2010

On 18 November 2010 16:47, jedi <jedi at mishnet.org> wrote:
>    I have encountered very few DVDs that didn't work with the dumpstream
> option in mplayer. A few that failed that, were readable after applying
> ddrescue.

Dumpstream is very reliable (the most reliable imo) but like I say,
doesn't preserve the metadata needed for things like forced subtitles
which I can't see how people can live without. In fact, I'm confused
how most people are watching discs with forced subs (more than you
think). VLC doesn't support it at all and the option in mplayer
(packaged with the current Ubuntu at least) just doesn't work. Does
myth frontend? I watched Inglorious Basterds recently and had to keep
turning subs on and off manually for each bit of non English dialogue.
Anyway, I digress..

I'm really surprised there isn't a free, open-source, dvdnav based
ripper availble yet. Mplayer's dumpstream option is 99% there and I
can understand why the devs may not focus too much of their efforts on
dvd ripping, saying that, the best way to 'rip' a dvd is exactly the
same as playing it, i.e using the "standards" (which shouldn't ever
change) to skirt around the nastiness.

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