[mythtv-users] Flash streaming through a non-standard HTTP port?

Michael T. Dean mtdean at thirdcontact.com
Tue Jul 21 22:35:42 UTC 2009

On 07/21/2009 06:04 PM, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> * Michael T. Dean [2009 Jul 21 09:17 -0500]:
>> It's a known issue with (what has been described as an easy fix).  See  
>> http://mythtv.beirdo.ca/ircLog/channel/1/2009-07-07 starting with the  
>> first mention of "#3859" (no quotes) and pay particular attention to  
>> what kormoc says.
> I see that he asks for the information, but reading many pages down I
> don't see that it's ever posted nor any kind of a fix mentioned unless
> it is far far down the page.
>> Basically, the problem is that no user has properly described their  
>> configuration (port proxying versus proxy server), so Rob was never able  
>> to figure out what bug they were talking about.  Finally, in IRC he got  
>> all the info he needed to describe the problem and the proper solution  
>> (meaning all the instructions are in that IRC log).
> Unless I'm blind, kormoc stopped talking about flow_player

flow player is irrelevant...  it's all the streaming (see #3859).

>  after he
> asked for the info from the other guy.  I went completely through the
> rest of that page searching for "kormoc" amd found a lot of other
> discussion but no more on the flow_player issue.
>> Please do up a (proper) patch and attach it to #6692 (  
>> http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/6692 ).
> When I figure out what to do...  ;-)

[14:07:58] kormoc: Basically we just need to check the remote port 
first, if it's set, use that, else use the local port

There's a good chance, though, that the trunk version of the fix will go 
in within the next couple of weeks, so you can use that as a pattern for 
your 0.21-fixes patch.


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