[mythtv-users] FaceBook Status Updates in MythTV

Brad DerManouelian myth at dermanouelian.com
Sat Feb 7 21:37:07 UTC 2009

On Feb 7, 2009, at 1:28 PM, David Meixner wrote:

> Thanks, awesome script!
> I had to make a few changes to get this working, so here they are in  
> case anyone else runs into the same problem:
> 1.  Needed perl module Crypt::SSLeay, which requires SSL libraries:
> $ yum install openssl-devel
> $ perl -MCPAN -e shell
> > install Crypt::SSLeay
> 2.  On my system, osd_cat is located at /usr/bin/local/osd_cat (not / 
> usr/bin/osd_cat), so I modified that line in the perl script.
> 3.  Changed the following line:
> my $feedurl = decode_entities($1) if $response->content =~ /title= 
> \"Friends.* Status Updates Feed\" href=\"(http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/ 
> feeds\/friends_status.php\?id=\d+&key=.*&format=rss20)\"\/>/;
> to
> my $feedurl = decode_entities($1) if $response->content =~ /title= 
> \"Friends.* Status Updates Feed\" href=\"(http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/ 
> feeds\/friends_status.php\?id=\d+&key=.*format=rss20)\"\/>/;
> The difference being that after the "&", I needed to add "amp;", and  
> the "&" before the format wasn't needed.
> 4.  I didn't have the font -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-30-*-*-*-*- 
> *-*-* so I used -sony-fixed-medium-r-normal--24*

Thanks! I sort of abandoned the script quickly when I realized I  
wanted one to handle both Facebook and Twitter and posted it here:
(I just added a reference to this script on the page for FacebookOSD.pl)

It handles osd_cat in different locations now. I guess I should have  
used a standard installed font, but I had just watched the movie  
Helvetica. :) Weird that you needed Crypt:SSLeay and needed to change  
your feed URL since it's working for me as-is.


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