[mythtv-users] VLC plays on wrong screen.

Allen Edwards allen.p.edwards at gmail.com
Tue Dec 22 03:02:39 UTC 2009

> Well, I give up.
> I got VLC to play in Screen1 with the following command:
> DISPLAY=:0.1  vlc file://%s  vlc://quit
> But there is no sound.  Setting spdif=1 in vlcrc does not help.
> .
> _______________________________________________
> Allen
> Did you manage to sort this out, if so how?  I am trying a similar thing,
> except I am also looking to have vlc stream the file to a multicast address.
>  VLC does this OK on its own.

I have made no progress.  VLC works fine when I call it from the main menu
but then I have to manually select the file from a file manager menu. The
most difficult thing is getting the mouse off of the myth background and
onto the small VLC program.  It was suggested that I uninstall pulse audio
but it is not installed.  I have no idea.  I am basically living with it.
 The built in player will play most things and when it won't, I open VLC
from the main menu.  By main menu, I mean I added a button on the main menu
to open VLC.

Let me know if you end up solving it.

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