[mythtv-users] mythfilldatabase crashing with ICE Default IO error

Tom Sparks tom_a_sparks at yahoo.com.au
Fri Dec 11 13:39:22 UTC 2009

I am trying to get mythfilldatabase to take all the data from shepherd (25-30 days worth), but mythfilldatabase is crash with the error
ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 22305, errno = 32

I have include a log from mythfilldatabase -v all

:~$ mythfilldatabase -v all --max-days 30 --refresh-day 30
2009-12-11 23:04:51.422 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(settings.txt) - No such file
2009-12-11 23:04:51.424 Using runtime prefix = /usr
2009-12-11 23:04:51.424 Using configuration directory = /home/mythtv-box/.mythtv
2009-12-11 23:04:51.425 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/usr/share/mythtv/mysql.txt) - 'DBHostName' = 'localhost'.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.425 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/usr/share/mythtv/mysql.txt) - 'DBUserName' = 'mythtv'.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.425 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/usr/share/mythtv/mysql.txt) - 'DBPassword' = '*****'.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.425 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/usr/share/mythtv/mysql.txt) - 'DBName' = 'mythconverg'.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.425 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/usr/share/mythtv/mysql.txt) - 'DBType' = 'QMYSQL3'.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.425 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/usr/etc/mythtv/mysql.txt) - No such file
2009-12-11 23:04:51.426 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/home/mythtv-box/.mythtv/mysql.txt) - 'DBHostName' = 'localhost'.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.426 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/home/mythtv-box/.mythtv/mysql.txt) - 'DBUserName' = 'mythtv'.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.426 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/home/mythtv-box/.mythtv/mysql.txt) - 'DBPassword' = '*****'.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.426 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/home/mythtv-box/.mythtv/mysql.txt) - 'DBName' = 'mythconverg'.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.426 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(/home/mythtv-box/.mythtv/mysql.txt) - 'DBType' = 'QMYSQL3'.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.426 (old)Settings::ReadSettings(./mysql.txt) - No such file
2009-12-11 23:04:51.426 Empty LocalHostName.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.427 Using localhost value of mythtv-box
2009-12-11 23:04:51.428 MCP::DefaultUPnP() - No default UPnP backend
2009-12-11 23:04:51.428 Clearing Settings Cache.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.444 New DB connection, total: 1
2009-12-11 23:04:51.456 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
2009-12-11 23:04:51.457 Closing DB connection named 'DBManager0'
2009-12-11 23:04:51.457 Clearing Settings Cache.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.457 Enabling Settings Cache.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.457 Clearing Settings Cache.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.458 Disabling Settings Cache.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.458 Clearing Settings Cache.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.459 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
2009-12-11 23:04:51.463 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'MythFillFixProgramIDsHasRunOnce' AND hostname = 'mythtv-box' ;"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.465 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'DBSchemaAutoUpgrade' AND hostname = 'mythtv-box' ;"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.467 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'DBSchemaAutoUpgrade' AND hostname IS NULL;"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.469 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'DBSchemaVer' AND hostname = 'mythtv-box' ;"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.472 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'DBSchemaVer' AND hostname IS NULL;"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.473 Current MythTV Schema Version (DBSchemaVer): 1244
2009-12-11 23:04:51.473 Enabling Settings Cache.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.473 Clearing Settings Cache.
2009-12-11 23:04:51.475 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'LogEnabled' AND hostname = 'mythtv-box' ;"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.477 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'LogEnabled' AND hostname IS NULL;"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.479 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'LogMaxCount' AND hostname = 'mythtv-box' ;"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.481 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'LogPrintLevel' AND hostname = 'mythtv-box' ;"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.482 MSqlQuery::exec("SELECT sourceid,name,xmltvgrabber,userid,password,lineupid FROM videosource  ORDER BY sourceid;")
2009-12-11 23:04:51.483 New DB connection, total: 2
2009-12-11 23:04:51.485 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
2009-12-11 23:04:51.488 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT MAX(endtime) FROM program p LEFT JOIN channel c ON p.chanid=c.chanid WHERE c.sourceid= '1' AND manualid = 0;"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.488 Updating source #1 (free2air) with grabber tv_grab_au
2009-12-11 23:04:51.490 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT COUNT(chanid) FROM channel WHERE sourceid = '1' AND xmltvid != ''"
2009-12-11 23:04:51.490 Found 18 channels for source 1 which use grabber
2009-12-11 23:04:52.932 Grabber has capabilities: baseline manualconfig preferredmethod 
2009-12-11 23:04:54.394 Grabber prefers method: allatonce
2009-12-11 23:04:54.395 New DB connection, total: 3
2009-12-11 23:04:54.396 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
2009-12-11 23:04:54.397 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT configpath FROM videosource WHERE sourceid = '1' AND configpath IS NOT NULL"
2009-12-11 23:04:54.397 XMLTV config file is: /home/mythtv-box/.mythtv/free2air.xmltv
2009-12-11 23:04:54.398 New DB connection, total: 4
2009-12-11 23:04:54.399 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
2009-12-11 23:04:54.401 MSqlQuery::exec() "UPDATE settings SET data = '2009-12-11 23:04' WHERE value='mythfilldatabaseLastRunStart'"
2009-12-11 23:04:54.402 MSqlQuery::exec() "UPDATE settings SET data = 'currently running.' WHERE value='mythfilldatabaseLastRunStatus'"
2009-12-11 23:04:54.402 Grabber Command: nice tv_grab_au --config-file '/home/mythtv-box/.mythtv/free2air.xmltv' --output /tmp/myth9h3ZhM
2009-12-11 23:04:54.402 ----------------- Start of XMLTV output -----------------
shepherd v1.3.44 (linux)

Reading configuration file: /home/mythtv-box/.shepherd/shepherd.conf
Reading channels file: /home/mythtv-box/.shepherd/channels.conf

Checking for updates:
Source #1: http://www.whuffy.com/shepherd/

* Application shepherd v1.3.44...                              up to date
* Reference Shepherd/Common.pm v0.38...                        up to date
* Reference Shepherd/Configure.pm v0.20...                     up to date
* Reference channel_list v50...                                up to date
* Reference Shepherd/MythTV.pm v0.9...                         up to date
* Grabber southerncross_website v0.21...                       up to date
* Grabber yahoo7widget v1.110-r7...                            up to date
* Grabber yahoo7web v0.40-r3...                                up to date
* Grabber channelnsw_gov v0.8-r1...                            up to date
* Grabber foxtel_swf v2.02...                                  up to date
* Grabber abc_website v3.23-r1...                              up to date
* Grabber oztivo v2.37...                                      up to date
* Grabber rex v5.0.0-r2...                                     up to date
* Grabber citysearch v3.0.1-r5...                              up to date
* Grabber ten_website v2.03...                                 up to date
* Grabber news v1.6-r2...                                      up to date
* Grabber acctv_website v0.08-r1...                            up to date
* Grabber sbsweb v3.00...                                      up to date
* Reconciler reconciler_mk2 v0.42...                           up to date
* Postprocessor imdb_augment_data v0.46...                     up to date
* Postprocessor flag_aus_hdtv v0.50...                         up to date
* Postprocessor augment_timezone v0.21...                      up to date

Shepherd last ran successfully 2h44m ago.

WARNING: Shepherd is being run too frequently!!
Please don't run Shepherd so frequently.
Re-using (existing cached) output for this run.

If you are experimenting/testing and really want Shepherd to fetch fresh data,
do so using the --notimetest setting but please don't make a habit of this.

You may wish to CTRL-C and fix this.

Continuing anyway in: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Final output stored in /tmp/myth9h3ZhM.
Cached output stored in /home/mythtv-box/.shepherd/output.xmltv.
2009-12-11 23:07:43.125 ------------------ End of XMLTV output ------------------
2009-12-11 23:07:43.128 MSqlQuery::exec() "UPDATE settings SET data = '2009-12-11 23:07' WHERE value='mythfilldatabaseLastRunEnd'"
2009-12-11 23:07:43.130 MSqlQuery::exec() "UPDATE settings SET data = 'Successful.' WHERE value='mythfilldatabaseLastRunStatus'"
2009-12-11 23:07:45.477 New DB connection, total: 5
2009-12-11 23:07:45.479 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
2009-12-11 23:07:45.481 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'TimeOffset' AND hostname = 'mythtv-box' ;"
2009-12-11 23:07:45.482 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'TimeOffset' AND hostname IS NULL;"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.137 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = '7hd.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.139 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = '7two.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.153 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'abc1.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.155 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'abc2.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.156 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'abc3.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.158 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'abchd.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.160 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'go!.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.162 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'onehd.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.164 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'sbshd.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.184 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'sbsone.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.186 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'sbstwo.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.188 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'sc10.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.190 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'seven.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.192 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT chanid,   name, callsign, channum,        finetune, icon, freqid,   tvformat FROM channel WHERE xmltvid  = 'win.shepherd.au' AND       sourceid = '1'"
2009-12-11 23:07:47.192 IconData: Updating icons for sourceid: 1
2009-12-11 23:07:47.195 MSqlQuery::exec() "SELECT ch.chanid, nim.url FROM (channel ch, callsignnetworkmap csm) RIGHT JOIN networkiconmap nim ON csm.network = nim.network WHERE ch.callsign = csm.callsign AND       (icon = 'none' OR icon = '') AND       ch.sourceid = '1'"
ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 22305, errno = 32


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