[mythtv-users] display freeze after signal loss

Kevin Johnson dabears_rule at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 20 17:13:16 UTC 2009


I get my tv over the air.  Sometimes I
experience signal loss/dropout.  During this time the frontend tv
display will pixilate/freeze, but if the signal loss is short lived,
the display will continue working after a brief moment.  I know there
is nothing I can do about that. My reception is as good as it is
going to get.
The problem is when the signal drops
for over ten seconds or so.  The tv display will not recover, it just
stays frozen.  Even if the tv signal returns to normal the display
stays frozen. I verify the signal is good by using watch from the
cli.  (I am using a silicon dust hd home run)
In order to get live tv working again,
I have to exit live tv and re-enter.
Is there any way to prevent this from
I use mythbuntu 9.04 with all the
latest standard updates.  Nvidia 6200.
I have a separate frontend backend

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