[mythtv-users] Backup and restore utility - sort bug?

Mike Holden mythtv at mikeholden.org
Sun Oct 19 17:38:48 UTC 2008

Been trying to use the tool wiki-ed at
http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Database_Backup_and_Restore and while
the utility for restore works in principle, it doesn't seem to pick the
most recent file for restore.

It looks to me like a bug in the sort, where $0 should be $a, ie replace
    my @sorted_files = sort { lc($b) cmp lc($0) } @files;
    my @sorted_files = sort { lc($b) cmp lc($a) } @files;

I can't find any reference to what $0 is supposed to do in Perl sort, but
maybe I've missed something?
Mike Holden

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