[mythtv-users] MySQL Database Overflow

Nathan Lanchbury mythtv at lanchbury.id.au
Sun Oct 12 04:05:27 UTC 2008

Hello everyone.

To give you a bit of background.  I've been a MythTV user for 3 years, and as you all would know once you've got a system as powerful as this there's not going back. So during this time I've become fairly knowledgeable with linux. I've spent some good money on my system including.
Intel Quad Core 3GHz
4GBs DDR2 Memory
Over 3TBs Actual HDD Storage (700GBs to Myth Recordings Storage)
2x Dvico HDTV Lite Cards 
It's been built on the atrpms resource and I have 3 frontends. The server does a lot more than just Myth but lets get to topic.

My systems has been working fine for ages. Uptime 57 days. Now I don't know if it is because of this, but I was vacuum'ing around one of my frontends and needed to unplug my network cable a couple of times. While it was playing a recording.

Now my mythbackend process keeps crashing after it has filled my ram. During this time the mysql and mythbackend processes go crazy.

I have seen this problem once before and it turned out my database was corrupt (when exported over 500MBs) so I was able to strip out what was needed and import it back. Then learnt it was wise to back it up. So I created a nightly replaced backup and a weekly stored backup.

So everything shows to me the same thing has happened. BUT stripping the data doesn't work. The last night backup doesn't help along with the week backup, as is or stripped to just the recorded and scheduled recordings.

I'm really at a loose end now. It appears to be stable with a fresh database but as soon as I import even one table it dies again. I really don't want to start all over again, as I've got so many recordings. Explaining to my 3 year old daughter that all her Dora the explorer episodes are gone plus another things isn't going to be fun. 

Any help will be hugely appreciated Thankz

Nathan Lanchbury
mythtv at lanchbury.id.au

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