[mythtv-users] How do i turn off the mouse cursor in fluxbox?

Ronald Frazier ron at ronfrazier.net
Tue Mar 11 16:20:03 UTC 2008

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:45 AM,  <erik.mellquist at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ron, would you mind sharing that script with the rest of us? That sounds
> like exactly what I've been looking for.

in my .xinitrc script I have:
exec xset s off &
exec xset -dpms &

exec fluxbox & wmpid=$!
exec /var/lib/mythtv/respawn-mythfrontend &

wait $wmpid

The first 2 lines turn off the screen saver and turn of monitor
blanking. The next line launches fluxbox and grabs it process id. Then
it runs my mythfrontend wrapper. Finally it waits for fluxbox to exit.

In /var/lib/mythtv/respawn-mythfrontend I have:
while [ 1 == 1 ]
        mythfrontend -v important -l /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log

As soon as mythfrontend exits, this script will loop and restart it.
If you want to exit xwindows completely, you need to make fluxbox
terminate. To do this, I have the setup the following keyboard
shortcuts in /var/lib/mythtv/.fluxbox/keys
Control Shift f :ExecCommand  xterm -T "MythTV Frontend" mythfrontend
Control Shift b :ExecCommand  xterm -T "MythTV Backend" mythbackend
Control Shift s :ExecCommand  xterm -T "MythTV Setup" mythtv-setup
Control Shift x :ExecCommand  xterm
Control Shift q :Exit
Control Shift Print :ExecCommand scrot "/tmp/screenshot_%F_%H-%M-%S.png"

Press Ctrl+Shift+q and fluxbox terminates, causing xwindows to close.


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