[mythtv-users] Compile problem SVN on debian etch

Nick Morrott knowledgejunkie at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 08:10:05 UTC 2008

On 15/01/2008, Stephen Sassman <sassman1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> And it dies here:

> g++ -shared -Wl,-soname,libmyth-0.20.so.0 -o libmyth-0.20.so.0.20.0
> audiooutput.o audiooutputbase.o audiooutputnull.o backendselect.o
> dbsettings.o dialogbox.o DisplayRes.o DisplayResScreen.o generictree.o
> httpcomms.o langsettings.o lcddevice.o managedlist.o mythconfigdialogs.o
> mythconfiggroups.o mythcontext.o mythdbcon.o mythdialogs.o mythmedia.o
> mythmediamonitor.o mythobservable.o mythplugin.o mythsocket.o mythstorage.o
> mythwidgets.o mythwizard.o oldsettings.o output.o qmdcodec.o remotefile.o
> screensaver.o screensaver-null.o settings.o themeinfo.o uilistbtntype.o
> uitypes.o util.o util-x11.o volumebase.o volumecontrol.o virtualkeyboard.o
> xmlparse.o mythhdd.o mythcdrom.o audiooutputoss.o mediamonitor-unix.o
> mythcdrom-linux.o audiooutputalsa.o jsmenu.o jsmenuevent.o lirc.o
> lircevent.o audiooutputarts.o screensaver-x11.o DisplayResX.o
> moc_backendselect.o moc_dialogbox.o moc_httpcomms.o moc_lcddevice.o
> moc_managedlist.o moc_mythconfigdialogs.o moc_mythconfiggroups.o
> moc_mythcontext.o moc_mythdialogs.o moc_mythmedia.o moc_mythmediamonitor.o
> moc_mythwidgets.o moc_mythwizard.o moc_settings.o moc_uilistbtntype.o
> moc_uitypes.o moc_virtualkeyboard.o moc_mythcdrom.o moc_jsmenu.o moc_lirc.o
> moc_screensaver- x11.o  -L/usr/share/qt3/lib -L../libmythsamplerate
> -lmythsamplerate-0.20 -L../libmythsoundtouch -lmythsoundtouch-0.20
> -llirc_client -lfreetype -lz -lmp3lame -lasound -L/usr/lib -lartsc
> -lgmodule-2.0 -ldl -lgthread-2.0 -lrt - lglib-2.0 -ldirectfb -lfusion
> -ldirect -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXinerama -lXv -lXxf86vm -lXrandr -lGL -lGLU
> -lqt-mt -lXext -lX11 -lm -lpthread
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Looks like it can't find some OpenGL libraries/headers. If you want to
use OpenGL video support, make sure you have all of the development
libraries and headers installed for it.

Also, in current trunk, --disable-backend is no longer supported, and
qmake should be being called automatically at the end of the configure

Nick Morrott

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