[mythtv-users] Recordings off 1 Hour

Dan Ritter dsr-myth at tao.merseine.nu
Wed Apr 23 15:48:00 UTC 2008

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 11:38:10PM -0500, Roger Heflin wrote:
> When a machine is shutdown properly it syncs the current time with the bios 
> clock.   If a machine crashes (after Daylight savings time has happened-without 
> a proper shutdown this of course does not happen) then when the machine comes 
> back up it is an hour off and too far for ntp to sync it and it will stay off by 
> an hour, and you get the sort of behavior  you were seeing.
> It is one disadvantage to having slave backends, I started using a cron job to 
> sync things with rdate (to the master backend) as ntp is somewhat fragile and 
> takes careful monitoring (kind of painful in a home environment, not so bad for 
> enterprise environments).

Firing up my ntpd at boot time begins with running ntpdate
against a reliable time server. If you keep your configuration
simple, ntp is pretty easy:

restrict mask noquery
restrict mask nomodify
restrict nomodify

driftfile /etc/ntp/drift
pidfile /var/lock/subsys/ntpd

server 0.us.pool.ntp.org
server 1.us.pool.ntp.org
server 2.us.pool.ntp.org
server 3.us.pool.ntp.org

That will do for your master server on a 10.* net. Everything else can use:

restrict mask noquery
restrict nomodify
driftfile /etc/ntp/drift
pidfile /var/lock/subsys/ntpd


http://tao.merseine.nu/~dsr/eula.html is hereby incorporated by reference.

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