[mythtv-users] Channel icons

Michael Rice mikerice1969 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 05:49:19 UTC 2007

On 10/4/07, Michael T. Dean <mtdean at thirdcontact.com> wrote:
> b) (Proper approach)
>   1) open a brand new shell (assuming BASH),
>   2) run the following commands (adjusting destination as appropriate)
>      mv ~/.mythtv/channels /video/channels
>      export MYTHCONFDIR=/video
>      mythfilldatabase --reset-icon-map all
>      mythfilldatabase --update-icon-map
>      exit

I did this and it works and picks the right icons for the most part.
There seems to be a problem in that the size of the network field is
only 20 characters:

mysql> describe callsignnetworkmap;
| Field    | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id       | int(11)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| callsign | varchar(20) | NO   | UNI |         |                |
| network  | varchar(20) | NO   |     |         |                |

mysql> select * from callsignnetworkmap where network like '%discov%';
| id  | callsign  | network              |
|  66 | c4-21     | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 113 | dchome    | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 114 | dckids    | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 115 | dcwings   | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 117 | dhc       | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 118 | dhd       | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 119 | disch     | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 120 | discovery | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 121 | disho     | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 122 | diski     | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 127 | dsc       | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 128 | dscp      | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 129 | dtimes    | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 232 | g5-12     | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 889 | science   | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |
| 938 | tdcc      | LyngSat-tv/dd/discov |

In my case dscp and dckids both end up with the kids icon
Can I increase this field somehow without causing problems?

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